Spring Herps

While waiting for spring bird migration to pick up, I have been enjoying the local reptiles and amphibians. Here are a few highlights.

The first herps to appear each year (in February) are Common Garters. Our local subspecies is called Red-spotted Garter for obvious reasons.
another Red-spotted Garter, paler in color
This little specimen had the most intense red I have seen on this species.
Last one, found climbing a tree stump
Our other species of garter is Northwestern Garter. They have smaller heads and lack the red on the face.
This Northwestern Garter had an intensely red dorsal stripe.
The only species of salamander I have found so far this year is Long-toed Salamander, but I have found them in several different locations.
American Bullfrog is an invasive species that wreaks havoc on local wetland ecosystems, eating native frogs, baby turtles, and anything else they can catch.
Another non-native is the Red-eared Slider (native to the southeastern U.S). When I was little, back when dinosaurs ruled the earth, you could buy baby turtles in pet stores. They were almost always this species. Unwanted pets were released into the environment, where they flourished.
Western Painted Turtle is one of only two turtles native to Oregon. I was delighted to find this massive specimen at the Sandy River Delta.

Birding will be heating up in the next week, so I will have to start looking up again.

Happy Spring

North Portland

peweeOur team for the Audubon Society of Portland’s Birdathon birded several sites in the northern parts of Portland. The weather was cool and rainy, not conducive to photography or bird activity, but we ended our efforts with 76 species for the day. This Western Wood-Pewee at Whitaker Ponds was one of the few photogenic individuals.

bushtit smBushtit, also at Whitaker Ponds

bt deerThis Black-tailed Deer, with his new antlers just starting to sprout, was at Smith and Bybee Wetlands.

paintedThere are only two native species of turtle in Oregon, both of which are considered at risk do to habitat loss and pollution. Smith and Bybee Wetlands is a local stronghold for Western Painted Turtles.

re slidersHere is a Western Painted Turtle on the left, with a Red-eared Slider on the right. Red-eared Sliders are native to the southeastern U.S., but have been introduced into many areas, usually by people disposing of unwanted pets. Introduced species compete with native species for food and nesting habitat.

Happy Spring

Smith and Bybee Wetlands

cliff swallow 1Nesting season is in full swing at Smith and Bybee Wetlands in northwest Portland. There is a small colony of Cliff Swallows nesting under the highway overpass.

waxwing nestHere is the tail end of a Cedar Waxwing sitting on a nest. This seems like an awfully large nest for such a small bird.

waxwing raiding nestSeveral Cedar Waxwings were raiding nesting material from this Bushtit nest. I hope the Bushtits were done with it.

waxwing with fruitCedar Waxwing with fruit

song sparrow 2This Sparrow was carrying a mouthful of bugs, indicating that she had a nest of babies nearby.

marsh wren 1Marsh Wrens were actively singing in several locations.
marsh wren 3

cowbirdBrown-headed Cowbird

gb heronGreat Blue Heron on Smith Lake

turtlesThe warm sun brought the reptiles out in good numbers. Smith and Bybee is a stronghold for the threatened Western Painted Turtle.

garter 3Northwestern Garter Snakes were also enjoying the sun. Northwestern Garters are distinguished from Common Garters by their smaller head and gentler disposition.
garter 1